The media intelligence arm of IPG Mediabrands, which is part of the Interpublic Group, has joined peers GroupM and Dentsu Aegis Network to project a revival in Indian ad spends next year. In its latest forecast, Magna has said advertising expenditure (adex) will grow 12.1 per cent in 2018, ahead of the 11.1 per cent expected at the close of this calendar year.
GroupM had said last week that India would be among six countries driving up ad spends in 2018, while Dentsu had forecast an ad growth of 12.2 per cent for 2018.
Magna, however, also said
GroupM had said last week that India would be among six countries driving up ad spends in 2018, while Dentsu had forecast an ad growth of 12.2 per cent for 2018.
Magna, however, also said