Direct-to-home television operator Tata Sky is set to launch a new set-top-box (STB) that will enable users to transfer content onto smart devices (iOS and Android) using the Tata Sky app. The app will allow consumers to watch programmes on devices of their choice without using mobile internet. Named Tata Sky+ Transfer, this STB uses technology available in Asia for the first time.
It has been under development for three years, and will be available from Monday.
Chief executive Harit Nagpal says, "The content providers' concerns are genuine and we had to ensure the content is protected from piracy. We developed the technology with our partners and ensured the safety of the content."
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"While we have STB's that allow one to record content and play it later, we realised there is a large section of people, who don't have the time to sit in front of the TV set to watch content. This STB is targeted at such consumers," says Nagpal.
The transfer can take place only between a STB and one registered smart device that is synced through the Tata Sky app. The transfer can take place only on a particular wi-fi network, which has to be synched with the app and the STB. The new STBs are priced at Rs 9,300 for new customers and Rs 7,200 for existing customers.