"After successful rollout of Surat-Bhavnagar route, the airline has launched Surat-Ahmedabad-Kandla daily to-fro flight," the company said in a statement here. Kartikey Gariasia, chief executive officer of Ventura Airconnect said, "Connecting diamond city Surat with port city Kandla will not only be beneficial for the both the cities but it will make it easier for the travelers from Ahmedabad to reach Kamdla."
The flight will take-off from Surat daily at 07.40 and will reach Ahmedabad at 08.40 am, thereafter the flight will take-off for Kandla at 09.30 am.
Earlier in June this year, the company had received the Air Operator Permit for non-scheduled flight operations from the Director-General of Civil Aviation (DGCA).
Currently, Ventura Airconnect flies two nine-seater Cessna (single turboprop) 208B Grand Caravans.