Having launched its second hospital in Gujarat at Ahmedabad, Zydus Hospitals is set to invest Rs 1000 crore in next 5-6 years for more hospitals in the state. According to Pankaj Patel, founder, Zydus Hospitals, more such hospitals will be launched in the region of Gujarat.
"We want to be become a regional hospital chain with hospitals being launched in different parts of Gujarat. Our next destination is Vadodara," said Patel at the launch of the 550-bed large Zydus Hospitals in Ahmedabad. The new hospital in Ahmedabad has been set up at an investment of Rs 550 crore.
Spread over 15 floors and over 750,000 sq ft, Zydus Hospital offers treatment in core specialties such as cardiac care, critical care, trauma care, orthosciences, renal sciences, neuro sciences and transplant medicine. Apart from 18 bed emergency rooms, 2 isolation wards and modern cath labs and OPD, the hospital also boasts of 14 specialty ICUs with over 160 beds including dedicated cardiac ICUs, cardio thoracic, paediatric, neonatal, transplant, neurology and critical care ICUs.
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According to Patel, out of the total 550 beds in Zydus Hospital, 30 per cent are intensive care beds. With a 300 member strong team comprising full time specialists, intensivists, nurses and paramedics, the hospital offers round the clock critical care services.
Zydus Hospital will also see a the Gemstone Spectral Imaging Technology, a first of its kind in Asia. While it offers the benefit of detailed analytics and diagnosis for the doctors in studying tumours through just one procedure, for the patient it means lesser risk of radiation and more convenience as it may eliminate the need for a biopsy.
Meanwhile, for the very first time in Gujarat, the hospital has also imported a hi-tech, fully integrated lithotripsy machine with ultrasound and x-ray from Germany.