Dharwad Rangayana has embarked on a novel project titled Ranga Granthayana wherein it will collect the drama books and other books related to theatre from houses and maintain them in the library.
Rangayana director Subhas Narendra on Tuesday said the Rangayana is aiming to set up a full-fledged library at its premises to give a boost for new experiments in the field of theatre.
As part of this, it will launch the Ranga Granthayana. The Rangayana members and artistes will go to the doorsteps of people asking them to donate rare theatre books. Narendra said, the new generation does not have any idea of the books bought by their forefathers and many households have stacked them in book shelves. If these books are donated to Rangayana, a full-fledged library could be set up and the plays that have not been staged could be considered for performance.
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Sulochana Kotur has donated as many as 250 books, while Shahshidhar Narendra has given more than 50 books to Rangayana.
Recently at the Ranga Samaj meeting, the state government was urged to hand over the Kannada and Culture Department library to Dharwad Rangayana. The government has positively responded to the plea and has handed over the library to the Rangayana, Narendra informed.
Now, the books donated by the theatre personalities and writers would be stored here. This project would begin from this week, he added.
Narendra said, the Rangayana was involving people from all walks of life in its activities in different capacities. Already, training camps for school, college children has been organised and now,
Rangayana would be holding a month-long theatre training camp from Thursday for the inmates of Beggars Rehabilitation Centre located at Rayapur.
The centre has 150 inmates and the theatre artistes would identify the inmates interested in theatre works and train them in dramatics. At the end of the camp those trained will stage a play.