Highest Number of Registered Yoga & Naturopathy Practioners Reported by Tamilnadu Followed by Karnataka
There are 2034 Yoga & Naturopathy practitioners registered in various States and UTs of the country. The highest number of such registered Yoga & Naturopathy practitioners in Tamil Nadu that is 751 & followed by Karnataka which has 609 registered practitioners. As per the information given by the Government of West Bengal, there are many self educated practitioners in the State, but the specific figure is not available as they have not yet been registered. At present, there is no Central legislation for regulation of education and practice in Yoga and Naturopathy systems. However, this Ministry had asked State Governments in 2006 to enact comprehensive legislation for the regulation of Naturopathy covering registration of practioners, medical education, etc. Further, it was recommended that in the meantime a system be set up for the registration of practitioners and the accreditation of institutes on the basis of guidelines formulated and issued by the Government of India. Some States, including West Bengal have taken action to implement the guidelines.
Further, the Government has undertaken discussion with the stakeholders on feasibility of regulation of Yoga and Naturopathy education and practice for maintaining quality and uniform educational standards and preventing the growth of fraudulent and fake institutions. Comments/ views of the various stakeholders including State/ UT Governments, Principals of BNYS degree colleges/ degree colleges (Yoga) and Vice Chancellors of Medical universities in all states/ UTs were invited for formulating appropriate regulatory authority at the Central level. Based on the comments received, the Government of India is evaluating various options for co-ordination of matters relating to promotion, development, standardization and accreditation of yoga, as well as, naturopathy practices, training and therapies. Separately, a Task Force has been constituted by the Ministry to deliberate and make recommendations on various important issues concerning the Ministry of AYUSH, including the preferred option for promotion, development and regulation of yoga & naturopathy for education and practice.
This information was given by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) of the Ministry of AYUSH, Shri Shripad Yesso Naik in a written reply to an unstarred question in the Rajya Sabha.