Avenue Supermarts, which runs the D-Mart value retail chain, gained 5.3% to Rs 814, on BSE, ahead of the board meeting on Saturday, May 6, 2017 to consider financial results for the quarter (Q4) and financial year ended March 31, 2017. This will be the first time the company will be announcing result on BSE since its listing.
“Avenue Supermarts has reported a steady performance over the past five years. With continual store addition, coupled with improving margins, stable cash flows and control of usage of debt for expansion, the company’s performance has been sturdy,” YES Securities said in IPO
“Avenue Supermarts has reported a steady performance over the past five years. With continual store addition, coupled with improving margins, stable cash flows and control of usage of debt for expansion, the company’s performance has been sturdy,” YES Securities said in IPO