Shares of Avenue Supermarts - the operators of retail chain D-Mart, have moved higher by 6% to Rs 1,437 on the BSE in noon deal trade on Thursday, after nearly one per cent or 5 million equity shares of the company changed hands through multiple block deals.
At 12:56 pm; the stock was trading 4% higher at Rs 1,417 on the BSE, as compared to 0.66% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex.
At 12:56 pm; the stock was trading 4% higher at Rs 1,417 on the BSE, as compared to 0.66% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex.
Around 5.15 million equity shares representing 0.83% of total equity of Avenue Supermarts have changed hands on the counter, the BSE data shows. The name of the buyers