Bajaj Electricals hit a record high of Rs 624, up 8.6% on the BSE in noon deal, surpassing its previous high of Rs 585 recorded on January 5, 2018 in intra-day trade.
The company engaged in household appliances business has outperformed the market by surging 111% in past one year, as compared to 17.5% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. Since February 7, 2018, after December quarter (Q3FY18) results, it rallied 28% against 0.18% decline in the benchmark index.
Bajaj Electricals last week launched the first of its kind Internet of Things (IoT) enabled air cooler– Bajaj COOL.iNXT.
The company engaged in household appliances business has outperformed the market by surging 111% in past one year, as compared to 17.5% rise in the S&P BSE Sensex. Since February 7, 2018, after December quarter (Q3FY18) results, it rallied 28% against 0.18% decline in the benchmark index.
Bajaj Electricals last week launched the first of its kind Internet of Things (IoT) enabled air cooler– Bajaj COOL.iNXT.