Shares of Bajaj Electricals have surged 7% to Rs 660 per share on the BSE in early morning trade after the company said it has bagged orders worth of Rs 35.78 billion for rural/urban electrification projects in the state of Uttar Pradesh from Madhyanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited (MVVNL).
The projects shall be completed within 15 months from the date of issue of LoI, the company said in the filing.
The contract is for work of rural/urban electrification and related work on turnkey basis under the Saubhagya Yojna of Government of India, it added.
At 09:24 am;
The projects shall be completed within 15 months from the date of issue of LoI, the company said in the filing.
The contract is for work of rural/urban electrification and related work on turnkey basis under the Saubhagya Yojna of Government of India, it added.
At 09:24 am;