Bajaj Finance was trading firm at Rs 1,811, up 1.3% at 10:04 am in otherwise weak market after the company said that it has launched a qualified institutional placement (QIP) offering up to Rs 4,500 crore from institutional investors. The company set the floor price at Rs 1,771.90 per share.
The stock has hit a high of Rs 1,816 and a low of Rs 1,780 on BSE so far. A combined 388,237 shares changed hands on the counter on BSE and NSE. in comparision, the S&P BSE Sensex was down 183 points or 0.57% at 31,627.
Bajaj Finance
The stock has hit a high of Rs 1,816 and a low of Rs 1,780 on BSE so far. A combined 388,237 shares changed hands on the counter on BSE and NSE. in comparision, the S&P BSE Sensex was down 183 points or 0.57% at 31,627.
Bajaj Finance