Shares of DCM Shriram have plunged 13% to Rs 380 per share on the BSE after the company reported 68% year-on-year (YoY) drop in net profit at Rs 510 million in March quarter (Q4FY18), due to poor performance of its sugar business. It had posted profit of Rs 1,560 million in year ago quarter.
Operations revenue was down 3% at Rs 15.66 billion against Rs 16.16 billion in the corresponding quarter of previous fiscal.
The company said sugar volumes declined by 14% due sales restriction by central government. Sugar Prices for Q4FY18 down by 13% YoY, while molasses
Operations revenue was down 3% at Rs 15.66 billion against Rs 16.16 billion in the corresponding quarter of previous fiscal.
The company said sugar volumes declined by 14% due sales restriction by central government. Sugar Prices for Q4FY18 down by 13% YoY, while molasses