HCL Infosystems surged 18% to Rs 55.75 on the BSE on the back of heavy volumes after the company said that it is in various stages of discussion with multiple original equipment manufacturers (OEMS) for distribution arrangement of their products.
“As part of the overall strategy, the company keeps evaluating various strategies from time to time to create value for shareholders. In line with the same, the company had decided to move from Single brand to Multi brand distribution model in our Consumer Distribution business,” HCL Infosystems said in a regulatory filing after BSE sought clarification from the company
“As part of the overall strategy, the company keeps evaluating various strategies from time to time to create value for shareholders. In line with the same, the company had decided to move from Single brand to Multi brand distribution model in our Consumer Distribution business,” HCL Infosystems said in a regulatory filing after BSE sought clarification from the company