ICICI Bank surged 6% to Rs 317, hitting 33-month high on the BSE in intra-day trade, set to join the elite league of corporate entities with a market value of over Rs 2 lakh crore on closing levels. The stock of private sector lender is trading at its highest level since March 3, 2015.
ICICI Bank with the market capitalisation (market-cap) of Rs 201,178 crore is at number 13th position in overall market-cap ranking, the BSE data shows. At 10:47 AM; the stock was trading 5% higher at Rs 314, as compared to 1% rise in the S&P BSE
ICICI Bank with the market capitalisation (market-cap) of Rs 201,178 crore is at number 13th position in overall market-cap ranking, the BSE data shows. At 10:47 AM; the stock was trading 5% higher at Rs 314, as compared to 1% rise in the S&P BSE