Shares of Jet Airways have slipped by 8% to Rs 386 per share, their fresh 52-week low on the BSE in early morning trade, after the airline company reported a standalone net loss of Rs 10.36 billion in March quarter (Q4FY18), due to higher fuel cost. It had posted a net profit of Rs 6.02 billion in the same quarter last fiscal.
The country's second-largest airline company by market share, posted 9% year on year growth in revenue from operations at Rs 59.25 billion during the quarter under review, while aircraft fuel expenses surged 31% to Rs 20.63 billion
The country's second-largest airline company by market share, posted 9% year on year growth in revenue from operations at Rs 59.25 billion during the quarter under review, while aircraft fuel expenses surged 31% to Rs 20.63 billion