Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) hit a fresh 52-week high of Rs 1,480, up 3.3% on the BSE in noon deal trade, after the company announced that it plans to increase prices of its passenger and commercial vehicles by up to 3% with effect from January 1, 2018. The stock was the top gainer among the S&P BSE Sensex at 12:16 PM.
“We have been holding back on price hikes and absorbing the higher input costs for a while, but with the increase in commodity prices we will have to take a price increase,” Rajan Wadhera, President - Automotive Sector,
“We have been holding back on price hikes and absorbing the higher input costs for a while, but with the increase in commodity prices we will have to take a price increase,” Rajan Wadhera, President - Automotive Sector,