Mahindra & Mahindra (M&M) was up 3% at Rs 1,373 on the BSE in an otherwise range-bound market as the company said that its board will consider bonus issue in their forthcoming meeting on Friday, November 10, 2017 after a gap of 12 years.
Earlier, in August 2005, M&M had issued bonus shares in the ratio of 1:1 i.e. 1 (one) bonus equity share for every 1(one) existing equity share held by the shareholders as on the "Record date".
M&M in a regulatory filing said this is in furtherance to our letter dated 12th October, 2017 informing about
Earlier, in August 2005, M&M had issued bonus shares in the ratio of 1:1 i.e. 1 (one) bonus equity share for every 1(one) existing equity share held by the shareholders as on the "Record date".
M&M in a regulatory filing said this is in furtherance to our letter dated 12th October, 2017 informing about