Maruti Suzuki India hit a new high of Rs 9,120 on the BSE in intra-day delas on Friday, surpassing the state-owned banking giant State Bank of India (SBI) in market capitalisation (market-cap) ranking.
On Thursday, Maruti Suzuki India had surpassed the India's largest mortgage lender and non-banking finance company Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC).
Maruti Suzuki India with market-cap of Rs 273,958 crore came in at number sixth position in overall ranking ahead of SBI which had market-cap of Rs 272,902 crore at 10:49 am; the BSE data showed. HDFC had market-cap of Rs 267,242 crore.
On Thursday, Maruti Suzuki India had surpassed the India's largest mortgage lender and non-banking finance company Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC).
Maruti Suzuki India with market-cap of Rs 273,958 crore came in at number sixth position in overall ranking ahead of SBI which had market-cap of Rs 272,902 crore at 10:49 am; the BSE data showed. HDFC had market-cap of Rs 267,242 crore.