Shares of Minda Corporation were up by 1.5% at Rs 204 per share on Tuesday, extending its Monday’s 15% rally on the BSE, after investor Ashish Kacholia bought an over one million shares of auto ancillary company through open market.
On April 23, 2018, Ashish Kacholia had purchased 1.08 million shares or 0.52% equity of Minda Corporation at Rs 182 each on the BSE, the bulk deal data shows.
The name of sellers not ascertained immediately.
Minda Corporation is one of the largest suppliers of 2-wheeler, 3-wheeler and off road vehicles electronic & mechanical security system. The
On April 23, 2018, Ashish Kacholia had purchased 1.08 million shares or 0.52% equity of Minda Corporation at Rs 182 each on the BSE, the bulk deal data shows.
The name of sellers not ascertained immediately.
Minda Corporation is one of the largest suppliers of 2-wheeler, 3-wheeler and off road vehicles electronic & mechanical security system. The