Nucleus Software Exports surged 19% to Rs 389, also its 52-week high on the BSE in intra-day trade, after the company reported 36% quarter on quarter (q-o-q) growth in its consolidated net profit at Rs 15.66 crore in September quarter (Q2FY18). The IT software products company had reported profit of Rs 11.51 crore in the June quarter (Q1FY18).
Income from software products and services grew 6.4% at Rs 100 crore on a q-o-q basis. EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) margins improved to 13.6% in Q2FY18 from 10.8% in Q1FY18.
The company said it added 9
Income from software products and services grew 6.4% at Rs 100 crore on a q-o-q basis. EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) margins improved to 13.6% in Q2FY18 from 10.8% in Q1FY18.
The company said it added 9