Parag Milk Foods hit a 52-week high of Rs 327, up 7% on the BSE in intra-day trade, after the company reported 18% year-on-year (YoY) growth in its consolidated net profit at Rs 262 million in March quarter (Q4FY18), on the back of healthy growth in operational revenue.
The company is a manufacturer and marketer of diary-based branded products in India, and had reported a profit of Rs 221 million in the same quarter year ago.
Consolidated revenue in Q4FY18 grew 20.9% YoY at Rs 5,178 million, as compared to Rs 4,284 million in Q4FY17. The growth was
The company is a manufacturer and marketer of diary-based branded products in India, and had reported a profit of Rs 221 million in the same quarter year ago.
Consolidated revenue in Q4FY18 grew 20.9% YoY at Rs 5,178 million, as compared to Rs 4,284 million in Q4FY17. The growth was