Shares of Reliance Industries (RIL) hit a record high of Rs 1,000 per share, up 2.5% on the BSE in early morning trade on the BSE, ahead of its January-March quarter (Q4FY18) results today. The stock surpassed its previous high of Rs 990 recorded on January 23, 2018 in intra-day deal.
Textiles to telecom conglomerate, RIL is expected to post its best-ever quarterly consolidated net profit, with the figure expected to be close to Rs 100 billion mark.
The strong quarterly expectations are on the back of its petrochemicals segment performance. In addition, retail and telecom are likely
Textiles to telecom conglomerate, RIL is expected to post its best-ever quarterly consolidated net profit, with the figure expected to be close to Rs 100 billion mark.
The strong quarterly expectations are on the back of its petrochemicals segment performance. In addition, retail and telecom are likely