Shopper Stop surged 20% to Rs 500, also its 52-week high on BSE in the early morning trade, after the company said its board approved issue of 4.4 million equity shares to e-tail giant at price of Rs 407.78 per share on preferential basis.
“The Board of Directors approved the issue of 4.39 million equity shares of Rs 5 each of the company to NV Investment Holdings LLC, a foreign portfolio investor, at Rs 407.78 per share aggregating to Rs 179.26 crore, on preferential basis,” Shoppers Stop said in a regulatory filing to the BSE.
“The Board of Directors approved the issue of 4.39 million equity shares of Rs 5 each of the company to NV Investment Holdings LLC, a foreign portfolio investor, at Rs 407.78 per share aggregating to Rs 179.26 crore, on preferential basis,” Shoppers Stop said in a regulatory filing to the BSE.