Tata Coffee hit a record high of Rs 175, up 17%, extending yesterday’s nearly 4% gain on the National Stock Exchange (NSE), after Equity Intelligence bought one million shares of Tata Group Company through open market.
On September 11, 2017, Equity Intelligence India Private Limited (PMS) acquired 1,000,000 equity shares representing 0.53% stake in Tata Coffee at price of Rs 150 per share on NSE, the bulk deal data shows. CLICK HERE FOR BULK DEAL DATA
Porinju Veliyath, ace investor, is the Founder & CEO of Equity Intelligence India.
F. Born A G has sold
On September 11, 2017, Equity Intelligence India Private Limited (PMS) acquired 1,000,000 equity shares representing 0.53% stake in Tata Coffee at price of Rs 150 per share on NSE, the bulk deal data shows. CLICK HERE FOR BULK DEAL DATA
Porinju Veliyath, ace investor, is the Founder & CEO of Equity Intelligence India.
F. Born A G has sold