Tata Elxsi hit a 52-week high of Rs 1,767, up 5% on BSE in intra-day trade, after the company’s board recommended 1:1 bonus share.
“The board at its meeting held on July 27, 2017 has, subject to the approval of the shareholders, recommended the capitalization of its reserves for issuance of bonus shares to the shareholders in the ratio of 1 (one) bonus equity share of Rs 10 each fully paid-up for every 1(one) existing equity share of Rs 10 each fully paid-up (in the ratio of 1:1) held by the shareholders as on the "Record date" to be
“The board at its meeting held on July 27, 2017 has, subject to the approval of the shareholders, recommended the capitalization of its reserves for issuance of bonus shares to the shareholders in the ratio of 1 (one) bonus equity share of Rs 10 each fully paid-up for every 1(one) existing equity share of Rs 10 each fully paid-up (in the ratio of 1:1) held by the shareholders as on the "Record date" to be