Tata Motors dipped 4% to Rs 341 on Monday, extending Friday’s 0.4% decline on the BSE. Tata Motors was the largest loser among the S&P BSE Sensex and Nifty 50 index at 11.42 am. The benchmark indices were down less than 1% at 34,111 and 10,465, respectively.
According to PTI report, Tata Motors-owned Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) is planning to cut jobs as it scales back production at some of its UK sites amid what it termed as "headwinds" impacting the automotive industry. CLCIK HERE TO READ FULL REPORT
In past six trading sessions, shares of
According to PTI report, Tata Motors-owned Jaguar Land Rover (JLR) is planning to cut jobs as it scales back production at some of its UK sites amid what it termed as "headwinds" impacting the automotive industry. CLCIK HERE TO READ FULL REPORT
In past six trading sessions, shares of