In a bizarre incident, a crane carrying Air India's defunct aircraft lost its balance and crashed near the Begumpet Airport in Telangana on Sunday morning.
No casualties have been reported so far. The incident happened at around 6.30 a.m. when Air India officials were transporting the defunct aircraft from the Begumpet Airport to their training academy (Central Training Establishment) nearby.
"An old hull stationed at the Old Begumpet Airport was being moved from the Air India hanger to make space at the hanger and also to use the hull for training purpose at the Air India Central Training Establishment," the national carrier said in a statement.
"All necessary procedures and planning required for the removal of the hull were in place. Today morning the hull was successfully taken out of the airport but at one particular moment the crane gave away and the hull became unstable and landed on the ground," the statement added.
The national carrier also said that the hull, which landed on the ground, can be used for training purpose as planned initially.