Experts have revealed that Earth on the verge of extinction and plants and wildlife will die out long before humans.
Scientists have revealed that the sixth great extinction is coming with species dying 10 times faster than it was earlier expected, the Daily Star reported.
Stuart Pimm, of Duke University, lead researcher of the landmark project, said that he believes humans must act now to slow down the process and avoiding or not avoiding the extinction depends on our actions.
The researchers have found that 1000 out of one million species become extinct each year, which was higher than the 100 species they originally estimated.
Researchers said that species are suffering because humans are taking away a number of animal habitats through man-made constructions and it is also down to a changing climate with species struggling to survive in hotter or colder conditions, while a number of species are becoming instinct because they are being hunted by humans.
The study was published in the journal Science.