Rashtriya Lok Dal President Ajit Singh on Sunday demanded that the Centre immediately impose President's rule in Uttar Pradesh due to the complete failure of the administration in maintaining law and order in the state and the inability to control the riots that have engulfed the region.
"There have been more than 100 cases of communal riots in Uttar Pradesh since the Samajwadi Party came to power in the state. The latest riots in Muzaffarnagar have exposed the weak, ineffective and careless government, which is instigating the riots from the backdoor. The situation has become so bad that a senior police officer deserted the region for fear of his life. The Indian Army had to be called in for restoring peace," he said.
Singh further said that it is ironical that the Akhilesh Yadav government has awarded two sets of compensation to the victims, and added that the state government should immediately correct this folly.
He said that the State government deploys 8,000 security personnel to stop the non-existent Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) yatra but failed to recognise the need to provide adequate forces to the region that has been witnessing continued tension and violence.
"The government failed to act against those prominent political leaders who have been instigating the people with hateful speeches leading to the flare up of communal riots," he said.
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Singh said that the Samajwadi Party (SP) has been dividing the society on communal lines and is trying to divide the people who have been living in harmony and peace.
" It is because the Samajwadi Party is fearful of the voters' ire against the government's non-performance and they have resorted to communalising the region," he added.
Ajit Singh appealed to the people to maintain calm and not to get instigated by the rumours that are being spread by nefarious elements, and continue the age-old tradition living in peace and harmony.