Sony India on Monday expanded its premium device portfolio with "Xperia XZ1" - the first smartphone with a 3D Creator for Rs 44,990.
The device boasts an industry-first 19MP "MotionEye" camera that has predictive "Hybrid AF" burst and predictive capture with face expression features.
The device features 5.2-inch full-HD HDR Sony's "Triluminous" display and "X-Reality" technology. The display is protected with Corning Gorilla Glass 5.
"Xperia XZ1" comes with 64GB inbuilt storage which can be expanded up to 256GB.
The smartphone has a fingerprint scanner embedded on the power button. It packs a 2,700mAh battery and is water and dust resistant with an IP68 certification.
The smartphone runs Android 8.0 Oreo operating system and houses a Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 SoC with 4GB RAM.