The US, for example, holds around $17 billion equivalent of cryptocurrencies seized from criminals, and China is estimated to hold around $19 billion
Last year, a study by TeamLease showed that India produces a staggering 1.5 million engineers every year, but only 45 per cent meet industry standards
After a slow start, Europe now provides about half the military support Ukraine receives. But this understates the degree of American centrality to Ukraine's war effort
Efficient cash management can improve outcomes
In recent years, government capital expenditure has been a key driver of growth and is likely to continue playing this role in the foreseeable future
The World Trade Organization (WTO) seemed unable to rein in China's hidden subsidies to its exporting sectors, and to restore a level playing field for global trade
While the Indian IT industry says AI will create more jobs than it extinguishes, there could be short-term pain and entirely new business models will be required in the long term
The government must direct the new commission to conduct a wide-ranging assessment of all existing regulations. They should be evaluated along multiple axes
Enabling citizens to complain against medical ad is proactive
An increase in capital outlay results in an expansion in overall investment, leading to better growth outcomes over time
Overall, devolution to rural local bodies increased from 39.9 per cent in 2013-14 to 43.9 per cent in 2021-22, said the govt report
Resetting relations between two large, complex, and heavily regulated economies needs to be read from a much broader perspective
Much of Mr Merz's leadership of Europe, however, depends on how fast he can revive Germany's economy
The possible game changer could lie in the fact that Tesla reportedly sources components from India worth $1 billion a year
Excessive nitrogen application at the cost of micronutrients and manure not only reduces soil productivity over time but also contributes to nutrient runoffs and groundwater contamination
The global economy is weak and supply-chain issues that started with the pandemic have been exacerbated by the Ukraine war and turmoil in West Asia. As a result, there's been inflation
In the past, Trai had come up with many regulations to curb unsolicited calls and messages but they have largely remained ineffective
The received wisdom is that Delhi's administrators must address two sets of constituents: The middle class and the poor
With a large chunk of the tech world's capital and talent being deployed towards monetising AI, competition among countries in this arena will be fiercer than ever
The key element of Mr Trump's deal appears to centre on veiled threats to withdraw US military aid to Ukraine to persuade Kyiv to cede to Russia territory