The government has allocated Rs 2,158 crore for Optical Fibre Cable based network for Defence Services and Rs 715.8 crore for telecom projects in the North Eastern states
The government is targeting a budget deficit of 5.9% of GDP for 2023/24, while the deficit was 6.4% in 2022/23, according to revised estimates
This reflects the foresight of the Modi government to build a new India with strong infrastructure and a strong economy, he said
The Union Budget 2023-24 has allocated an enhanced outlay of Rs 2.70 trillion for the highways sector
Speaking on the budget proposal for simplifying the KYC process, Ghosh hailed it as a noble effort
The proposal has been welcomed by stakeholders in the education sector
The financial sector regulators will also be encouraged to have a KYC (Know Your Customer) system fully amenable to meet the needs of Digital India
For the next fiscal beginning April 1, the miscellaneous capital receipts have been pegged at Rs 61,000 crore
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Union Budget for 2023-24 in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday
The agency received Rs 841.96 crore to manage its affairs in the Budget Estimates for 2022-23, which was later increased to Rs 906.59 crore in the Revised Estimates
The tax holiday scheme was earlier available for startups incorporated till March 31, 2023
The Union government has announced a package for Research and Development for five years, which will give a jump to lab-grown diamonds
Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Union Budget for 2023-24 in Lok Sabha on Wednesday
As per the Budget document, dividends from public sector enterprises and other investments have been pegged at Rs 43,000 crore for FY24 as well
It will make cooperatives pivot of development of rural economy, he said
"Moreover, the sustained attention on manufacturing and improvement of urban infrastructure is likely to boost the I&L sector and at the same time spur economic activity and job creation"
A provision has been made in this year's budget to provide NADA a funding of Rs 21.73 crore, while NDTL, which conducts the tests, will receive Rs 19.50 crore
The government will spend 8 paise out of every rupee on 'other expenditures'
India's economy crossed the $3 trillion mark last year
The government, however, imparted a new dimension to these reforms in the last eight years