In the annual economic survey, Nageswaran said it is morally wrong to ask developing countries to abandon their aspirations for better living standards
"Even as developed nations prepare to impose a carbon tax at the border on imports coming into their countries laden with carbon, they are ramping up energy demand like never before," said the Survey
Economic Survey 2023-24: The gig workforce is expected to expand to 23.5 million by 2029-30, forming 6.7% of the non-agricultural workforce, and 4.1% of India's total workforce
Last year's UN climate conference in Dubai ended with a global agreement calling for transitioning away from fossil fuels to reach net zero emissions by 2050
Climate finance will be at the centre of the UN climate conference in Baku, Azerbaijan
A UNESCO report claims that heat, floods, and storms are causing widespread learning loss, especially in low- and middle-income countries, threatening decades of educational progress
Croatia reported the highest-ever temperatures of the Adriatic Sea, with the thermometer reaching nearly 30 degrees Celsius
A scientific paper has indicated that melting polar ice caps are redistributing mass around the equator, slowing Earth's rotation and lengthening days at an unprecedented rate
Secretary-General of the Climate Vulnerable Forum (CVF), said Azerbaijan's resolve to negotiate commitments upwards at COP29 under its presidency will be tested
The GEM report noted that a child experiencing temperatures that are two standard deviations above average is predicted to attain 1.5 fewer years of schooling than children experiencing average temp.
Scientists are debating what exactly climate change does to hurricanes, but they agree it makes storms more likely to rapidly intensify
TNFD report outlines nature-related dependencies, impacts, risks and opportunities and allows for an assessment of the company's direct operations, the report said
Climate change will throw at us many such surprises in terms of impact on human health. Even now, this science is not understood
The union environment minister joined the ongoing campaign to plant 51 lakh saplings in Indore
Using on-site observations, satellite data and models, researchers found that across north India, rainfall in monsoons (June to September) has reduced by 8.5 per cent during 1951-2021
The business leaders, for their part, appealed to Biden's patriotic side around the nation's Independence Day, invoking the first US president
Across the 29 countries studied, the yearly temperatures on average had increased by 0.9 degrees Celsius during 2001-2019, which the authors attributed to climate change
Scientists used CRISPR-Cas9, a precision gene-editing technique, to create a variety of risotto rice potentially resistant to Pyricularia oryzae, a pathogenic fungus which leads to rice blast disease
It wasn't until earlier this year that the RBI finally released a draft framework that would require financial institutions to devise and disclose their strategies to mitigate climate-related risk
He urged stronger commitments from developed countries and innovative financing mechanisms to support climate action