The CAQM, a statutory body tasked with preparing strategies to curb air pollution in Delhi-NCR, said 267 stubble-burning incidents were reported in Punjab and 187 in Haryana
Minimum support price has been a bone of contention between the farmers in Punjab and the state and Centre
Environment analysts say fire burning has just begun, with peak stubble burning expected in late October through early November
Highlighting the scheme in a post on X, the Punjab CM said that the government is committed to addressing pollution which is caused by stubble burning
Govts step up efforts, but farmers say policies unclear, assistance insufficient
Mann said under the crop residue management scheme 2024-25, the department of agriculture and farmers welfare, Punjab had already called for applications from interested farmers in availing subsidy
Farmers are opposing Punjab's plan to introduce "red entries" in land records for those caught burning paddy stubble-a major contributor to air pollution during winter
So far, 841 farmers have signed up for the programme, and the numbers are expected to rise as awareness campaigns are carried out across farming communities, Gopal Rai said
The minister said the department received 21,830 applications from farmers, cooperative societies and panchayats seeking subsidies for different crop residue management (CRM) machinery
CEEW report highlighted that 36 per cent of the 1,478 farmers surveyed in 11 districts of Punjab grew Pusa 44 in Kharif 2022 due to its high yield
The 24-hour average AQI noted on Sunday was 183 in the 'moderate' category, after which the index entered the 'poor' category with a reading of 227 on Monday and 234 on Tuesday
Green Tribunal seeks information from the state on stubble management in 2023 and 2024
He said there has been a 36.4 per cent decrease in cases of stubble burning in Haryana, whereas Punjab saw a 27.1 per cent decline
Observing that farm fires were still significant, a bench of Justices Sanjay Kishan Kaul and Sudhanshu Dhulia directed the state governments concerned to take steps to curb pollution
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From 83,002 fires in 2020, the count in Punjab dropped to 71,304 in 2021, 49,922 in 2022, and further to 36,663 in 2023
Delhi air quality: The Centre on Tuesday ordered the revocation of restrictions under Stage 3 of Grap in the entire national capital region
Delhi Minister for Environment Gopal Rai on Thursday said that the city's air quality is expected to improve in the next two to three days
Farmer leaders also said the governments should guarantee minimum support price on alternative crops such as maize and pulses to wean away growers from the water-guzzling paddy crop
It's a big issue impacting the air quality in northern India, Delhi and elsewhere. And it can be addressed. And this is the issue. It is a solvable problem, he said