Market participants said that the gross borrowing amount was higher than expected
The proceeds will be targeted at boosting consumption via subsidy programmes, equipment upgrades by businesses and funding investments in innovation-driven advanced sectors
The opposition-controlled parliament last month cut 4.1 trillion won from the government's proposed 677.4 trillion won ($473 billion) budget
On coming to power in July for the first time in 14 years, the government described its economic inheritance from the former Conservative administration as the bleakest in decades, requiring
Following the talks, India today granted Maldives a USD100 million Treasury bills roll over, in addition to both sides inking a USD 400 million and Rs 3,000 crore currency swap agreement
US bond yields rose, as traders booked profits after a recent fall, and as yields witnessed a floor. However, the possibility that the Fed could do another outsized rate cut remain intact
May borrow around Rs 6.3 trillion during the period
UCO Bank reduces T-bill benchmark linked rates
After unshackling the economy from three years of Covid-19 restrictions, Chinese officials had hoped that stimulating the industrial sector would stabilise the job market
States and Union Territories also plan to borrow up to Rs 2.63 trillion through state government securities over the same period
The NDA government has disclosed off-Budget funded schemes in the Budget documents from FY22
The 7.18 per cent 2033 bond yield is expected to trade between 7.05 per cent and 7.10 per cent, after ending at 7.0925 per cent, a trader with a state-run bank said
The yield spread narrowed to -0.61 per cent on Monday, a stark contrast to 0.99 per cent a year ago and the 20-year average spread of 2 per cent
A US Treasury Department statement and South Korea's foreign ministry said the action was taken in coordination between the two countries
Equities have dominated bonds, while bonds have outperformed treasury bills
The banking system's liquidity primarily stayed in deficit during the third quarter of the current financial year and it widened further in January, driven by tax outflows
The proposals would require the industry to meet some costs associated with the bank failures rather than the taxpayer, Britain's Treasury said
The widening of the spread on state-government paper over central government bonds may work as a dampener, according to treasury executives
The Reserve Bank of India set the cut-off yield on 91-day, 182-day, and 364-day T-bill at 6.92 per cent, 7.11 per cent, and 7.15 per cent respectively
The Reserve Bank of India set the cut-off yield on 91-day, 182-day and 364-day T-bill at 6.93 per cent, 7.14 per cent and 7.16 per cent respectively