Your songs have so much of lyrical content. How do you write such lyrics?
I like reading. But I don't read to entertain myself, I read to clarify my own thoughts, my own feelings. Through all my reading, travelling to different places, something invariably clicks. It's not a conscious exercise. Currently, I'm reading political essays by John Zerzan. I'm also consumed by the works of Stanley Diamond, Max Stirner and Paul Shepard.
You are concerned with social issues, particularly globalisation.
How do you think music manages to address these issues?
I'm a musician and music is what I do. Naturally, I react to social happenings around me in a musical context.
How do you view the music industry today?
Independent artistes are rarely promoted and film music takes up every little space on channels. My video was hardly aired on the channels. For independent artistes, music is dead and buried, and I've actually been singing at its funeral.