In a scathing attack on the Australian cricket team, former Indian captain Sunil Gavaskar has said that the world champions were never "popular winners" because of their "awful" behaviour."There is not the slightest doubt that in the last decade or so the Aussies have been awesome in batting, bowling and fielding which has taken them to the top of the cricketing ladder in both Test and limited overs cricket."But they have also been awful in the way they have sometimes behaved on the field much to the chagrin of the traditional fans of the game," Gavaskar wrote in the India Today magazine.He said the Australians could not be compared with the West Indies, who were admired for their rampaging form a few decades back."Unlike the West Indian teams of the 1970s and 1980s, which dominated world cricket in much the same way as the Australians are doing now, the Australians are not popular winners."The Windies were feared for the ferocity of their attack and the aggression of their batsmen but at the end of the playing day the West Indian player was not only admired but also liked."They went about their job in a no fuss manner and hardly had anything to say to the opponents, unlike the Aussies who have plenty to say and seldom in a humourous way. Banter works, abuse doesn't," Gavaskar said.