It will be the first time an English channel will have Hindi feed. The company believes that this move will add more muscle to its bouquet in India. “With phase II of digitisation across 38 cities, the opportunity to take the channel across the Hindi speaking market is ideal from a business perspective,” it said in a statement.
It estimates that from present reach of 1.9 million viewers in the 7 metros, the channel will reach to over 10 million viewers with the Hindi feed.
Tarun Katial, CEO, RBNL said, “The Prime Hindi feed is positioned and timed on the cusp of DAS–Phase II. We are addressing a lacunae that exists in male entertainment space through our offering of highly aspirational international content, dubbed in Hindi. The HSM has huge headroom for growth and potential for advertising. We are building content play and are confident of fairly good yields and outlays. We are thankful to our partners CBS Studios International, who have ridden this evolution story with us.”
Reed Manville, EVP of International Channels for CBS added, “The Prime Hindi feed is the next logical expansion of our India growth strategy, leveraging our strong brand position, built with Reliance since the initial launch of the BIGCBS venture just over 2 years ago.”
The Hindi feed of BIG CBS Prime will see a multi-media marketing campaign coming into play, activating all platforms ranging television, radio, print, outdoor and digital, with a special focus on on-ground activations to ensure audience engagement.
The Channel will be available across all major digital cable networks and DTH players.