Life in the open can be fun. Provided, of course, that you are equipped properly to rough it out. It's no fun sleeping in damp tents without hot meals. "It's essential that you have the right equipment and this holds true for amateur and novice campers or mountaineers," says Love Raj Singh Dharamshaktu, a mountaineer who has climbed Mount Everest four times. Dharamshaktu, now endorsing shoe company Woodland's adventure gear, knows how essential the right gear can be. Fortunately, there's no end to good gear available for people readying for various adventure sports - mountaineering, trekking, hiking or camping for fun. Aabhas Sharma takes a look at the some of the essential gear needed for those the keen campers
A tent is the most basic and the most important thing needed. Be it rain, sun or wind, a good protective tent always comes in handy. A good tent should have heavy-duty zippers and come with aluminum poles. A lot of tents come with fibre glass poles but these can break easily. Quechuca's Ultralight tent is ideal for three campers, although four can squeeze in. It's light, easy to fold and has decent storage space as well. Priced at Rs 8,999, it weighs about 3 kg and comes with a waterproof flysheet. Available online at
Dry sack
This stove from Kovea operates with both a butane gas canister and white spirits liquid without replacing the nozzle. The stove unit is built with extendable legs and pot stand, and a 31-cm gas hose to keep the fuel source well away from the flame. Priced at Rs 8,000, it is available at Wildcraft outlets across the country.
Sleeping bags
Remember, rest is important when you have a lot of trekking or climbing to do. Sleeping bags of all make and cost are available; so choose one according to the weather conditions of the place you will be visiting. Woodland's sleeping bags come with synthetic-fill and down-fill technology. Synthetic-fill doesn't absorb water quite so easily and also dries out quickly. Down-fill sleeping bags are extremely light and retain heat better. Priced at Rs 7,000 onwards, these sleeping bags are available across Woodland outlets.
While camping in the hills, lighting will be inadequate quite early in the evening. You should carry not one, but two to three torches to meet all emergency needs. French brand Frendo's Dyna Volt lantern-cum-torch comes with three LED flashing lights and can be charged through USB as well. Priced at Rs 1,699, it is available online on e-commerce sites like Flipkart and Snapdeal.
The Genoaute LF 500 headlamp (Rs 1,399) is ideal for both long- and short-range lighting and can last for 6-100 hours per charge, depending on use. Available at Wildcraft and other retail shops dealing in adventure gear.
Multi-tool kit
Unexpected things happen outdoors and where would you be with tools? But you can't carry a heavy tool box with you. So Gerber's Ultimate survival kit can be a one-in-all handy thing to carry for camping. It contains 16 pieces, including a multitool, waterproof bag, survival blanket, firestarter, water-proof matches, snare wire, handsaw, fishing kit and a sewing kit as well! Priced at Rs 4,999, it is a must-have for any camper and is available online on various portal.
A tent is the most basic and the most important thing needed. Be it rain, sun or wind, a good protective tent always comes in handy. A good tent should have heavy-duty zippers and come with aluminum poles. A lot of tents come with fibre glass poles but these can break easily. Quechuca's Ultralight tent is ideal for three campers, although four can squeeze in. It's light, easy to fold and has decent storage space as well. Priced at Rs 8,999, it weighs about 3 kg and comes with a waterproof flysheet. Available online at
Dry sack
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Dry sacks were something which the US marines popularised but now are every camper's side arm. Made of waterproof PVC material, as the name suggests, these help keep your stuff dry. They come with fabric loops which allow the bags to be secured at all times. Priced at Rs 1,300, it is available online as well as at retail outlets selling adventure and outdoor gear.
This stove from Kovea operates with both a butane gas canister and white spirits liquid without replacing the nozzle. The stove unit is built with extendable legs and pot stand, and a 31-cm gas hose to keep the fuel source well away from the flame. Priced at Rs 8,000, it is available at Wildcraft outlets across the country.
Sleeping bags
Remember, rest is important when you have a lot of trekking or climbing to do. Sleeping bags of all make and cost are available; so choose one according to the weather conditions of the place you will be visiting. Woodland's sleeping bags come with synthetic-fill and down-fill technology. Synthetic-fill doesn't absorb water quite so easily and also dries out quickly. Down-fill sleeping bags are extremely light and retain heat better. Priced at Rs 7,000 onwards, these sleeping bags are available across Woodland outlets.
While camping in the hills, lighting will be inadequate quite early in the evening. You should carry not one, but two to three torches to meet all emergency needs. French brand Frendo's Dyna Volt lantern-cum-torch comes with three LED flashing lights and can be charged through USB as well. Priced at Rs 1,699, it is available online on e-commerce sites like Flipkart and Snapdeal.
The Genoaute LF 500 headlamp (Rs 1,399) is ideal for both long- and short-range lighting and can last for 6-100 hours per charge, depending on use. Available at Wildcraft and other retail shops dealing in adventure gear.
Multi-tool kit
Unexpected things happen outdoors and where would you be with tools? But you can't carry a heavy tool box with you. So Gerber's Ultimate survival kit can be a one-in-all handy thing to carry for camping. It contains 16 pieces, including a multitool, waterproof bag, survival blanket, firestarter, water-proof matches, snare wire, handsaw, fishing kit and a sewing kit as well! Priced at Rs 4,999, it is a must-have for any camper and is available online on various portal.