From therapeutic utility to being a favourite accessory for interiors, fish, in tanks and aquariums, of various sizes, shapes and colours, are making their way back into the Indian home and office. So much so, that Bangalore has hosted Fish Expos, along the lines of the fascinating ones held annually in Singapore.
One only needs to walk into an aquarium store in Bangalore or Kolkata to see how this trend has picked up in India. Shopkeepers say that most customers know precisely the fish breed they want, thanks to the Internet. The usual gold fish and discus, which are around Rs 250 a pair, are passe. Fish enthusiasts now opt for exotic breeds like the Arowana, which can cost up to Rs 1 lakh. The shopkeepers step in with their expertise about which breed is compatible with the other, the kind of aquarium habitat required and the food they must be fed with. Since corals and other accessories for salt-water fish are banned in India, artificial accessories need to be chosen with care.
Here are a few rare and exotic fish breeds which, if kept with care, can prove to be soothing companions.
PRICE: Up to Rs 1 lakh
Also known as the Feng Shui fish, Arowana is believed to bring good luck to the home where it is kept. During its lifetime of 10 to 15 years, it grows to a length of nearly 2 feet, making it the sole inhabitant of a fish tank in most cases, though it isn't usually agressive towards other fish. But if it is kept with other fish, make sure that it has enough space to move around.
PRICE: Rs 3,000 -Rs 7000 a pair
Made popular by the movie, Finding Nemo, this marine fish needs a spacious tank and proper lighting, filters and accessories for it to last its lifeterm of 6 to 10 years. Make sure to set up the tank two weeks before buying the fish for the water to stabilise.
PRICE: Up to Rs 7 lakh per fish
Some of these are specially cultivated in Japan and can be quite rare. Kois can grow to be nearly 3 feet long and need a large pond to thrive in. They can last up to 70 years, with celebrities like Freddie Mercury finding heir lifelong pet in these exotic fish.
PRICE: Rs 5,000 a pair
These fish are usually compatible with other breeds, as long as there is enough breathing space in the tank. Tangs can grow up to a size of 8 inches and need a 100 gallon tank with proper light, rock shelters, et cetera to last its lifespan of about 20 years.
PRICE: Rs 2,000 - Rs 6,000 per fish
Gars are usually docile fish and compatible with other tankmates, but they need to be fed well. Gars can also be trained, over time, to eat food from their owner's hands. They can grow to a length of two to three feet and have a lifespan of 8 to 10 years.
One only needs to walk into an aquarium store in Bangalore or Kolkata to see how this trend has picked up in India. Shopkeepers say that most customers know precisely the fish breed they want, thanks to the Internet. The usual gold fish and discus, which are around Rs 250 a pair, are passe. Fish enthusiasts now opt for exotic breeds like the Arowana, which can cost up to Rs 1 lakh. The shopkeepers step in with their expertise about which breed is compatible with the other, the kind of aquarium habitat required and the food they must be fed with. Since corals and other accessories for salt-water fish are banned in India, artificial accessories need to be chosen with care.
Here are a few rare and exotic fish breeds which, if kept with care, can prove to be soothing companions.
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PRICE: Up to Rs 1 lakh
Also known as the Feng Shui fish, Arowana is believed to bring good luck to the home where it is kept. During its lifetime of 10 to 15 years, it grows to a length of nearly 2 feet, making it the sole inhabitant of a fish tank in most cases, though it isn't usually agressive towards other fish. But if it is kept with other fish, make sure that it has enough space to move around.
PRICE: Rs 3,000 -Rs 7000 a pair
Made popular by the movie, Finding Nemo, this marine fish needs a spacious tank and proper lighting, filters and accessories for it to last its lifeterm of 6 to 10 years. Make sure to set up the tank two weeks before buying the fish for the water to stabilise.
PRICE: Up to Rs 7 lakh per fish
Some of these are specially cultivated in Japan and can be quite rare. Kois can grow to be nearly 3 feet long and need a large pond to thrive in. They can last up to 70 years, with celebrities like Freddie Mercury finding heir lifelong pet in these exotic fish.
PRICE: Rs 5,000 a pair
These fish are usually compatible with other breeds, as long as there is enough breathing space in the tank. Tangs can grow up to a size of 8 inches and need a 100 gallon tank with proper light, rock shelters, et cetera to last its lifespan of about 20 years.
PRICE: Rs 2,000 - Rs 6,000 per fish
Gars are usually docile fish and compatible with other tankmates, but they need to be fed well. Gars can also be trained, over time, to eat food from their owner's hands. They can grow to a length of two to three feet and have a lifespan of 8 to 10 years.