Honeywell hungry for more: CoteQ&A: David M CoteRajesh S Kurup / Mumbai March 18, 2006Not content with 37 takeovers and over a $5.5-billion spend in the last four-year period, David M Cote, chairman and CEO, Honeywell International, is still scouting for acquisitions, to help Honeywell International grow through the inorganic route.This would have been an impossible dream, if it were to be stated four years ago, when the company was on the verge of being merged. But not anymore.Cote, a former General Electric man, is credited with turning around Honeywell, a technology and manufacturing group, that was on the verge of being merged with GE. Former GE Chairman Jack Welch had even extended his retirement period to consolidate the deal which, however, failed. That is now history as Cote had taken over the company and transformed it into a $30-billion conglomerate.Cote returns to India within weeks. The last time Cote was here, he was accompanying US President George W Bush. In India, Honeywell wants to