TNS ranks companies on corporate reputation. |
In this day and age when corporate reputation plays a big role in defining the profile of a company, here's a market survey that makes it easy for decision makers. |
For the second time, TNS India has put together an annual Survey of Corporate Reputation of India's leading corporations that captures the profiles and images of Indian business houses as some companies gain or lose in the current Indian market scenario. |
Going by the survey, it's the IT sector all the way, followed by FMCG and petroleum. The automobile and the finance sectors also find a distinct place. |
The companies that lead the rankings in Corporate Reputation Strength (CRS) are: Infosys Technologies, Tata Consultancy Services, Tata Motors, Tata Steel, Hindustan Lever and Maruti Udyog Ltd. |
While all these companies figure in lead rankings across all these stakeholder groups, the leaders in the respective stakeholder segments include some more corporations. |
Among these leading companies, there are clear differences in CRS ratings between the finance segment, the business manager group and the opinion leader segment. |
Says Shubranshu Das, vice-president, TNS-global (India): "Corporate reputation is assuming increasing importance in today's business, and economic and social environment. Corporate behaviour is increasingly under scrutiny and corporate valuations go beyond financial performance parameters. Therefore, it becomes really imperative that a measure of confidence is fixed within and for an organisation that goes along to build its market reputation." |
Also, it was observed that in the financial community, Tata Steel is leading with a CRS Index of 94. Other companies with relatively strong corporate reputation in this stakeholder group are ICICI Bank, Intel, Wipro Ltd, Tata Motors and Reliance industries. |
The responses of the financial segment seem to be skewed towards the banking sector. "Visionary and dynamic leadership" has been the key factor while evaluating a company's reputation, the study said. |
Among Business Managers, Infosys Technologies leads with CRS of 100 with TCS, HLL, Intel and Tata Power following. This segment has given most different ratings to companies focusing on more pragmatic dimensions such as "corporate visibility and image". |
Among the Opinion Leaders, Tata Tea leads with a CRS Index of 92. Other companies figuring at the top are Infosys, SAIL, Asian Paints and Tata Motors . The segment has differentiated itself by giving prime importance to companies that have been involved in social activities and have created strong communication tools in order to be present in minds of the people. |
Says Das, "The study was so designed as to meet the needs of company management, investor relations departments of companies, as well as PR and communications agencies. After all, it is equally important for a company to know whether it enjoys a good or a bad image in the market and can plan its strategy for the future." |
According to Das, stakeholder groups covered by this study are the financial community and senior and middle business managers in industry. In addition, "opinion leaders comprising senior bureaucrats, academicians and media personalities were also covered. A total of 70 leading companies across diverse sectors were selected for the study and the survey was conducted between January and March 2007, with fieldwork audited and certified by the Bureau of Indian Standards. |