The Los Angeles County coroner's office has handed back the body of pop star Michael Jackson to his family after the autopsy.
"Mr Michael Jackson's remains have been removed from the coroner's office. His remains have been taken to an unknown location at the request of his family. There's a security hold on the case so I can't disclose the location," Los Angeles county assistant chief coroner Ed Winter said.
The coroner's office had earlier ruled out any "foul play or external trauma" on Jackson's body after the autopsy.
But the cause of death will only be determined after toxicology and other tests, which will take weeks, Coroner's spokesperson Craig Harvey clarified.
"We anticipate being able to close the case and issuing a final cause of death" after those tests are completed in "four to six weeks", Harvey said.
The autopsy on Jackson took a little over three and a half hours to complete and the body was released to the family as they decide on funeral arrangements, Winter told Sky News.
Jackson, 50, died on Thursday at his rented home in Los Angeles.