Best work moment
When everyone is on the same page
Books on your bedside
They keep changing. Right now it's Jerusalem
Massage or workouts to de-stress
Favourite accessory
Currently, my hat from my film, Roy. My bracelets and oh yes, of course, my sunglasses
Designs that have caught your eye recently
The new Aston Martins
Your IT tools
My MacBook, iPhone, iPad, Traktor for spinning, Dinal Draft for scripting, Final Cut Pro for editing, go pro for filming and Kindle for reading
Favourite wine
Tough! There are many good ones, it's like asking me what's my fave film; there isn't an answer. Each one has a uniqueness of its own that makes it special.
Favourite TV show
House of Cards, Game of Thrones
Best gift received
Love gifts! It's just the thought that counts.
Favourite cuisine
Why do we limit ourselves by singling one out? Uff, please - I'm a foodie.
What food items do you like to shop for?
I start with very healthy items. I end up buying stuff to cook with the kids. Last time, we experimented making a lemon tart pie, which turned into a master chef game. Please don't ask me what I scored, it was embarrassing. LOL!
Newspaper, TV channels and websites you prefer
I don't watch TV. Newspapers, hmm. Websites tend to be specific to what I am looking for. Google zindabad.
Where do you like to sit when being driven? Upfront with the driver or back seat like a sahib?
I love driving, so 90 per cent, it's the driver's seat, with the driver being driven (he is the sahib). Nine per cent being driven upfront and 1 per cent at the back, if I'm watching a film.
On a plane, do you prefer to network, sleep or catch up on films and reading?
Eat, drink nice red wine if available and then deep sleep
Fancy coffee or masala tea
Black coffee
What do you cook on your days off?
Spaghetti carbonara
Are you a beach or mountain person?
Hmmm... beach
Your favourite city
New York
What's your fragrance?
Creed, Diptique, Jo Malone and Alive
You get your work clothes from
Pardon? From the designer who is assigned for the film, I guess
The shoemaker you trust your sole with
LOL, Adidas
Your shaving mantra
Shave only when necessary
The gels and oils and lotions you swear by
Do I look that dandy?
Your favourite evening wear
Depends on the evening
What's your weekday breakfast like? And weekend?
Two breakfasts: one is a concoction of just fruit, oats and flaxseed, all blended together. The other is a six-egg-white scramble or an omelette with smoked salmon filling. Weekend? The same.
Your current set of wheels
Range Rover and BMW 7-Series
God for you is…
My conscience
Favourite cafe
Workday lunch is
Tandoori chicken, bajra roti, spinach sauteed and yellow dal
Your workout regime
That's a different interview altogether. Six days a week. Very innovative and specific to what is required.
A few of your Goddesses are
Laxmi, Laxmi, Laxmi and Saraswati
Alpha males you know
Are no longer alpha once I meet them
Your favourite motto
Just do it
When everyone is on the same page
Books on your bedside
They keep changing. Right now it's Jerusalem
Massage or workouts to de-stress
Favourite accessory
Currently, my hat from my film, Roy. My bracelets and oh yes, of course, my sunglasses
Designs that have caught your eye recently
The new Aston Martins
Your IT tools
My MacBook, iPhone, iPad, Traktor for spinning, Dinal Draft for scripting, Final Cut Pro for editing, go pro for filming and Kindle for reading
Favourite wine
Tough! There are many good ones, it's like asking me what's my fave film; there isn't an answer. Each one has a uniqueness of its own that makes it special.
Favourite TV show
House of Cards, Game of Thrones
Best gift received
Love gifts! It's just the thought that counts.
Favourite cuisine
Why do we limit ourselves by singling one out? Uff, please - I'm a foodie.
What food items do you like to shop for?
I start with very healthy items. I end up buying stuff to cook with the kids. Last time, we experimented making a lemon tart pie, which turned into a master chef game. Please don't ask me what I scored, it was embarrassing. LOL!
Newspaper, TV channels and websites you prefer
I don't watch TV. Newspapers, hmm. Websites tend to be specific to what I am looking for. Google zindabad.
Where do you like to sit when being driven? Upfront with the driver or back seat like a sahib?
I love driving, so 90 per cent, it's the driver's seat, with the driver being driven (he is the sahib). Nine per cent being driven upfront and 1 per cent at the back, if I'm watching a film.
On a plane, do you prefer to network, sleep or catch up on films and reading?
Eat, drink nice red wine if available and then deep sleep
Fancy coffee or masala tea
Black coffee
What do you cook on your days off?
Spaghetti carbonara
Are you a beach or mountain person?
Hmmm... beach
Your favourite city
New York
What's your fragrance?
Creed, Diptique, Jo Malone and Alive
You get your work clothes from
Pardon? From the designer who is assigned for the film, I guess
The shoemaker you trust your sole with
LOL, Adidas
Your shaving mantra
Shave only when necessary
The gels and oils and lotions you swear by
Do I look that dandy?
Your favourite evening wear
Depends on the evening
What's your weekday breakfast like? And weekend?
Two breakfasts: one is a concoction of just fruit, oats and flaxseed, all blended together. The other is a six-egg-white scramble or an omelette with smoked salmon filling. Weekend? The same.
Your current set of wheels
Range Rover and BMW 7-Series
God for you is…
My conscience
Favourite cafe
Workday lunch is
Tandoori chicken, bajra roti, spinach sauteed and yellow dal
Your workout regime
That's a different interview altogether. Six days a week. Very innovative and specific to what is required.
A few of your Goddesses are
Laxmi, Laxmi, Laxmi and Saraswati
Alpha males you know
Are no longer alpha once I meet them
Your favourite motto
Just do it
Arjun Rampal
Actor and businessman
Actor and businessman