Chief minister Narendra Modi released the book for management students "" 'More Musings on Governance, Governing and Corruption', by N Vittal, IAS (retd), former Central Vigilance Commissioner in the city on Wednesday. |
It is third book in the series written by Vittal and published by ICFAI University Press (IUP) focusing students of B-schools and other management institutes. IUP is a publication division of the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI) headquartered in Hyderabad. |
According to Vittal, the book is a collection of essays by him on the topics ranging from ethical issues in governance to personal integrity. "The articles are an amalgamation of my experience and musings on strategic as well as the tactical aspects of governance with a fervent hope that the readers may be inspired to understand the responsibility they bear towards the society," said Vittal. |
"This book will help the students in understanding the corporate governance," Vittal added. |