From Followers to Leaders
Managing technology and innovation
Naushad Forbes and David Wield
Publisher: Routledge
214 pages/ Price: Not mentioned
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How do companies in developing countries overcome competitive challenges, and rise to be leaders themselves? There is no shortage of literature on how companies might transform themselves, but most of these are written in the context of America, Europe or Japan. In this sense, Forbes and Wield are pioneers. What distinguishes them even more is that they have not produced a popular management book, but one that qualifies to be a textbook.
From Followers to Leaders is well researched, and extensively referenced. They cover India, Mexico, Brazil, Korea, Taiwan and Tanzania, but the influence of Forbes who is a director of the Indian company, Forbes Marshal, and an academic as well is unmistakable.
This is a book about technology and innovation. It is refreshing in holding that shop-floor innovation is an