A busy schedule doesn't deter Alok Kejriwal, CEO, contests2win, from laying his hands on books by his favourite authors. |
In fact, in his own words, "I would stand in a queue for hours together if Haruki Murakami was autographing his work, just to get a copy. I would never dedicate such time to anyone else." |
With a life that runs the path of success, Kejriwal loves books that are surreal. And surrealism it is that attracts him to books by Murakami. "He exposes the underlayer of society and makes inanimate objects come to life." |
Having recently completed Ian McEwan's Saturday, a fast-paced, nail-biting novel, Kejriwal is impressed by the author's ability to put usual people in unusual situations and bring out real emotions from the characters. |
With a preference for non-English speaking authors (another favourite being Japanese author Kazuo Ishiguro), he admits to disliking any book that talks business because, "Business books are very boring and surreal is what I like to chase. It takes me away from reality." His affinity with non-English speaking writers stems from their unique way of expression. |
Taking a view quite opposite to many, Kejriwal doesn't grab bestsellers because he finds them "very mass and very crass", he laughs. |
In fact, he doesn't even like books that can be finished in one flight. His hands instinctively grab those that provide surrealistic reading. |
Books with an interpersonal play between the characters, exposing human emotions and set in places that aren't accessed much make it to the couch in his living room...usually after ten in the night. |