Hyundai Motor India Ltd has announced an exclusive offer for central government employees as part of its 20th year celebration. The Anniversary Celebration Offer, ‘Pride of India’ is a part of ‘Experience Hyundai’ programme to reinforce the bond with its customers.
Under the offer, customers will get a benefit of Rs. 7,000 on Grand i10 and Xcent and Rs. 5,000 on i10 and Eon in addition to the existing promotional offers. Central government employees are significant prospective customers for Hyundai across urban and rural India.
Announcing the 20th Anniversary Celebration Offer, Rakesh Srivastava, Senior Vice President, Sales & Marketing, HMIL, said, “Pride of India celebration offer is especially for central government employees who value Hyundai as a tried and trusted brand with very strong customer affinity. With this initiative, Hyundai aspires to increase its engagement towards becoming the lifetime partners of central government employees.”
Hyundai continues its endeavours to ensure a better future by adding ‘Brilliant Moments’ in the lives of customers. By consistently refreshing the price value equations of its products, Hyundai offers best-in-class quality with advanced technology and cutting edge design to meet customer aspirations, he added.
This promotional offer will be supported by Hyundai Motor India’s large sales and service network in the country with 449 dealers to support sales and 1,163 Service Points to fulfill service requirements of customers. The pre-owned certified car dealerships of Hyundai Motor India, ‘H-Promise’ has a wide presence of 386 dealerships across India.
Source : BS Motoring