Disinvestment of the government's equity holding in public sector units (PSU) forms a major portion of this target, at Rs 40,000 crore. In addition, the government plans to raise Rs 14,000 crore by selling its stake in non-government companies such as Balco and shares held by the Special Undertaking of UTI (SUUTI).
The government has so far raised Rs 21,400 crore this financial year and plans to raise Rs 24,000 crore in all, according to the revised estimates in the Budget document. Buoyant capital markets and innovative divestment mechanisms will have to be deployed to achieve the lofty target this year, according to market experts.
The government is planning to launch an exchange-traded fund to offload PSU stakes on a continuous basis.
Companies with high government stake such as Coal India (90 per cent) and NMDC (80 per cent) might be key disinvestment targets in FY14.