In the midst of an investment drive, Tata Sons today claimed that the brand value of group companies and products has shot up to Rs 24,396 crore, and said over Rs 1,80,000 crore investment was being envisaged in the next 8-10 years."Not many have undertaken the brand valuation exercise, but I think we are the biggest (brand) in India. We are head and shoulders above anybody," R Gopalakrishnan, director of Tata Sons, said today.The same, he added, was reflected by group chairman Ratan Tata's new year message to employee in which he said: "Be bold... Take Courage... Go out and do things."Listing telecommunications, insurance and retail as three new areas for substantial investment, he said the combined capex of the group companies could be about Rs 1,80,000 crore. He, however, did not give further details.Tata Sons, which takes a brand equity and promotion fees from the listed group companies for building up Brand Tata, feels that there is a "lot of future" for the group in areas like steel and soda ash where it has made global acquisitions.